Saeid Sadeghi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Saeid Sadeghi

Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "Smartphone overuse is negatively associated with episodic future thinking and mental health in school-aged children"
    Sajad Ayoubi, Saeid Sadeghi
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, Vol. 5, pp.23-34, 2024
  2. "The Relationship Between Children's Theory of Mind and Anxiety Symptoms"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Sajad Ayoubi, Amirhossein Rabiee
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, Vol. 13, pp.91-98, 2024
  3. "The immediate impacts of TV programs on preschoolers' executive functions and attention: a systematic review"
    Sara Arian namazi, Saeid Sadeghi
    BMC Psychology, Vol. 12, 2024
  4. "The Early Social Cognition Inventory - Autism Version: psychometric properties for young children with autism spectrum disorder"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Saeed A. AL-Dossary, Sara Arian namazi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
    International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 16, pp.1-10, 2024
  5. "Mediation analysis of conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiments on vaccine willingness."
    Angélique M Blackburn, Hyemin Han, Rebekah A Gelp, Sabrina Stckli, Alma Jefti?, Brendan Ch'ng, Karolina Koszakowska, David Lacko, Taciano L Milfont, Yookyung Lee, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeid Sadeghi, Sara Vestergren
    HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 42, pp.235-246, 2023
  6. "Anxiety, concerns and COVID-19: Cross-country perspectives from families and individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions"
    Vassilis Sideropoulos, Jo Van Herwegen, Ben Meuleman, Michael Alessandri, Faisal M Alnemary, Jamal Amani Rad, Pamela A Banta Lavenex, Nikita Bolshakov, Sven B?lte, Paulina Buffle, Ru Y Cai, Ruth Campos, Adela Chirita-Emandi, Andreia P Costa, Floriana Costanzo, Vincent Des Portes, Daniel Dukes, Laurence Faivre, Nawelle Famelart, Marisa H Fisher, Liudmilla Gamaiunova, Aikaterini Giannadou, Rashmi Gupta, Antonio Y Hardan, Françoise Houdayer-Robert, Lenka Hrncirova, Roberto Tadeu Iaochite, Katarina Jariabkova, Bonita P Klein-Tasman, Pierre Lavenex, Supriya Malik, Francesca Mari, Pastora Martinez-Castilla, Deny Menghini, Heather J Nuske, Olympia Palikara, Anouk Papon, Robin S Pegg, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Luise Poustka, Ingolf Prosetzky, Alessandra Renieri, Sinead M Rhodes, Deborah M Riby, Massimiliano Rossi, Saeid Sadeghi, Xueyen Su, Claire Tai, Michel Tran, Fionnuala Tynan, Mirko Uljarevi?, Amy V Van Hecke, Guida Veiga, Alain Verloes, Stefano Vicari, Sonja G Werneck-Rohrer, Eric Zander, Andrea C Samson
    Journal of Global Health, Vol. 13, 2023
  7. "Author Correction: COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Angélique M. Blackburn, Sara Vestergren, Thao P. Tran, Sabrina Stackli, Siobhn M Griffin, Evangelos Ntontis, Alma Jeftic, Stavroula Chrona, G?zde Ikizer, Hyemin Han, Taciano L. Milfont, Douglas Parry, Grace Byrne, Mercedes G?mez-Lpez, Alida Acosta, Marta Kowal, Gabriel De Leon, Aranza Gallegos, Miles Perez, Mohamed Abdelrahman, Elayne Ahern, Ahmad Wali Ahmad Yar, Oli Ahmed, Nael H. Alami, Rizwana Amin, Lykke E. Andersen, Brulio Oliveira Arajo, Norah Aziamin Asongu, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeid Sadeghi, Emina Zoletic
    Scientific Data, Vol. 10, 2023
  8. "Associations between Symptom Severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Screen Time among Toddlers Aged 16 to 36 Months"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Reza Shervin Badv, Serge Brand
    Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 13, 2023
  9. "Brain Anatomy Alterations and Mental Health Challenges Correlate to Email Addiction Tendency"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hikaru Takeuchi, Bita Shalani, Yasuyuki Taki, Rui Nouchi, Ryoichi Yokoyama, Yuka Kotozaki, Seishu Nakagawa, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Kunio Iizuka, Sugiko Hanawa, Tsuyoshi Araki, Carlos Makoto Miyauchi, Kohei Sakaki, Takayuki Nozawa, Shigeyuki Ikeda, Susumu Yokota, Daniele Magistro, Yuko Sassa, Ryuta Kawashima
    Brain Sciences, Vol. 12, 2022
  10. "Parenting Styles Predict Future-Oriented Cognition in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Sajad Ayoubi, Serge Brand
    Children, Vol. 9, 2022
  11. "Can computerized cognitive training enhance executive functions in healthy young adults? A preliminary study"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Zahra Nejadebrahim somee, Fateme Ghafari
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, Vol. 1, pp.12-20, 2022
  12. "Differentiating Post-Digital Nannying Autism Syndrome from Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study"
    Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeid Sadeghi, Reza Shervin Badv, Serge Brand
    Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 11, 2022
  13. "COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Angélique M. Blackburn, Sara Vestergren, Thao P. Tran, Samuel Mandillah, Mohammad Sabbir Mansoor, Sabrina St?ckli, Silvia Mari, Inmaculada Mar?n-L?pez, Tiago A. Marot, Ntontis Evangelos , Alma Jeftic, Sandra Mart?nez, Juma Mauka, Stavroula Chrona, G?zde Ikizer, Sigrun Marie Moss, Asia Mushtaq, Arian Musliu, Hyemin Han, Daniel Mususa, Arooj Najmussaqib, Aishath Nasheeda, Ramona Nasr, Natalia Ni?o Machado, Jean Carlos Natividade, Siobh?n M. Griffin, Hyemin Han, Taciano L. Milfont, Douglas Parry, Grace Byrne, Mercedes G?mez-L?pez, Alida Acosta, Marta Kowal, Gabriel De Leon, Aranza Gallegos, Oli Ahmed, Samuel Lins, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeid Sadeghi, Salomé Mamede
    Scientific Data, Vol. 9, 2022
  14. "Executive functions predict restricted and repetitive behaviors in toddlers under 36 months old with autism spectrum disorder"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
  15. "Let's Be Ready: COVID-19 Related Restrictions Can Lead to an Outbreak of Social-Communication Problems in Children"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 17, pp.356-357, 2022
  16. "Cognitive control and cognitive flexibility predict severity of depressive symptoms in parents of toddlers with autism spectrum disorder"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Serge Brand
    CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. ., pp.1-8, 2022
  17. "A Family-based Telerehabilitation Program for Improving Gross Motor Skills in Children With High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder"
    Louisa Aghdasi, Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Journal of Modern Rehabilitation, Vol. 15, pp.173-182, 2021
  18. "Brain structures and activity during a working memory task associated with internet addiction tendency in young adults: A large sample study"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hikaru Takeuchi, Bita Shalani, Yasuyuki Taki, Rui Nouchi, Ryoichi Yokoyama, Yuka Kotozaki, Seishu Nakagawa, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Kunio Iizuka, Sugiko Hanawa, Tsuyoshi Araki, Carlos Makoto Miyauchi, Kohei Sakaki, Takayuki Nozawa, Shigeyuki Ikeda, Susumu Yokota, Daniele Magistro, Yuko Sassa, Ryuta Kawashima
    PLoS One, Vol. 16, 2021
  19. "Develop a "Carpet Weaving" Plan for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
    Vahid Sani, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeid Sadeghi
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, Vol. 1, pp.46-48, 2021
  20. "Parent-child interaction effects on autism symptoms and EEG relative power in young children with excessive screen-time"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Reza Khosrowabadi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Sedighe Nikbakht
    Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 191, pp.827-836, 2021
  21. "Internet-based versus face-to-face intervention training for parents of young children with excessive screen-time and autism spectrum disorder-like symptoms: a comparative study"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, bITA sHALANI
    International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Vol. ., pp.1-13, 2021
  22. "Sex and age-related differences in inhibitory control in typically developing children"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Bita Shalani, Vahid Nejati
    Early Child Development and Care, Vol. ., pp.1-10, 2020
  23. "Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for parent training in young children with autism symptoms and excessive screen-time"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Reza Khosrowabadi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Sedighe Nikbakht
    Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 45, pp.7-12, 2019
  24. "Effects of Parent-Child Interaction Training on Children Who Are Excessively Exposed to Digital Devices: A Pilot Study"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Reza Khosrowabadi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Sedighe Nikbakht
  25. ""
    Narges Kazerooni, Saeid Sadeghi
    Vol. 15, pp.1-18, 2024
  26. ""
    Saeid Sadeghi, Sajad Ayoubi, Sindokht Sarlak
    Vol. 16, pp.31-46, 2022
  27. "Cognitive predictors of behavioral inflexibility in young children with autism spectrum disorder symptoms"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad
    Vol. 23, pp.117-129, 2022
  28. "Develop and Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of Smartphone and Tablet Addiction Questionnaire- Parent Version in Elementary School Students and Its Relationship with Parenting Style"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Sindokht Sarlak, Sajad Ayoubi
    Vol. 17, pp.267-282, 2021
  29. "Screen-Time Predicts Sleep and Feeding Problems in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Under the Age of Three"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Shervin Badv Reza
    Vol. 15, pp.73-94, 2021
  30. "Development and Psychometric Properties of the Internet Self-Control Questionnaire in Adolescents"
    Jalil Fath Abadi, Salomeh Tak Tehrani, Ali Akbar Arjman nia, Saeid Sadeghi
    Vol. 9, pp.7-19, 2021
  31. "Social Stories on Increasing Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
    Seyed Valioallah Mousavi, Pegah Azadimanesh, Saeid Sadeghi, Bita Shalani, Fatemeh Momeni
    Vol. 9, 2019
  32. "Executive functions in parents of children with and without autism spectrum disorder"
    Bita Shalani, Saeid Sadeghi, Samad Rashidian Dehnoo
    Vol. 6, pp.90-99, 2019
  33. ""
    Louisa Aghdasi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Jalil Fath Abadi, Saeid Sadeghi
    Vol. 25, pp.61-71, 2018
  34. "The effectiveness of emotional diet intervention on parent-child interaction and parental stress in mothers of young children with autistic-like behaviors and exposure to digital naning"
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Reza Khosrowabadi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Sedighe Nikbakht
    Vol. 26, pp.1-10, 2018
  35. ""
    Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeid Sadeghi, Yasamin Rahmati
    Vol. 17, pp.39-44, 2017
  36. ""
    Saeid Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 10, pp.477-499, 2017
  37. "The Effect of Attention Strengthen and Perception of Sensory-motor Training Program on Mathematical Performance of Male Students with Mathematical Learning Disability"
    abbasali hoseinkhanzadeh, setareh shojaee, parinaz amiri, Saeid Sadeghi, peghah azadimanesh, saba azadimanesh
    Vol. 4, pp.139-156, 2016
  38. ""
    Saeid Sadeghi
    Vol. 12, pp.49-66, 2016
  39. "The Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents A Quasi-Experimental Study"
    Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Jalil Fath Abadi, Saeid Sadeghi, bita shalani
    Vol. 12, pp.216-220, 2016
  40. ""
    Saeid Sadeghi, Foroogh Mohammadian, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 12, pp.210-215, 2016